Well, let's just say this school year has been an interesting one. (Since I am a teacher, my year starts in August and ends in June so I measure it that way. If you are a teacher you get it. LOL) It started off great. I was pregnant and so excited, but as most of you know, that didn't turn out so well. I lost the baby on September 26th. It has been a long road, but I think we have made it up the hill and now are coasting down. This last week, my world came crash
ing down around me once again. I got a frantic phone call around 4:30 on March 3rd from my Mom saying there was something wrong with my dad. I have dreaded this phone call for all of my adult life since my Dad has suffered heart attacks over the years. My Dad had a mild stoke or a TIA as they call it. It caused him to not remember anything longer than 2 minutes for the better half of 9 hours. We would have conversations during this time and he would forget we ever had them. He said he felt like he was hallucinating. It was a long road in the hospital for 4 days and lots of tests, but my Dad was a real trooper. He is such an important person in my life, I can't imaging my life without him. All of this has made me look at life a little more differently. I have to say that the last months have been extremly stressful. The last week especially. I am glad to look to the future and spend as much time as possible with everyone that I love. I may not always feel that I am lucky, but I am. I have a wonderful husband, brilliant son, family that is always there, and friends who listen. I often try to find reasons for why such things happen, but I am coming to believe that sometimes we aren't meant to know the reasons.
Let's move on to some happier news. My son has discovered Power Rangers in the past couple of months. He is obsessed with them. He tells me that I am the yellow power ranger, Daddy is the blue power ranger, and he is the red power ranger. He talks about Megazords and spirt rangers all the time. He is so cute. He has grown up so much in the last months. I love this stage. I am sure I have said that about all of his other stages too though. LOL
One more thing...Scott's 30th birthday is Friday so if you catch him, tell him Happy Birthday. I still think he looks the same as when I fell in love with him when he was just 19.