Friday, July 23, 2010

Our first road trip as a family of four!

Scott and I decided to take a road trip to Galveston this summer and we actually went with some of our great friends.  My friend Terri and I were talking about our summer plans and realized we all were going to go to Galveston for a quick trip to the beach.  After talking about it and a lot of searching on Terri's part, we booked a condo in the community of Pointe West which is beautiful and out of from downtown Galveston where everyone is.  From previous posts, you will notice that Brooke (the daughter) is Blake's little girlfriend.  They met over two years ago and have decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend ever since.  We went after fourth of July and drove down.  I wish I could say that Luke enjoyed the drive, but that would be a HUGE lie!  He hates the car and sitting in his seat for that long was not his idea of fun.  Scott and I made several stops on the way down there and according to the GPS, we were stopped for three hours!  He still was not a happy camper. :-(  We stayed at a wonderful condo with our friends for the whole week.  We went to the beach, ate at great restaurants, fed seagulls off of balconies, went to Moody Gardens Aquarium, played in the condo when it rained, went to the pool, hung out on the balcony, and really enjoyed the time we spent together.  The weather was mostly beautiful except for Thursday.  We were having so much fun we decided to stay all day Friday and drive back in the middle of the night thinking that Luke would sleep.  Well....  he was not happy the entire ride home either so that was a waste.  It was a great trip overall and we had so much fun we have decided to make it a yearly trip with the Musias.  We need to start thinking where we want to go next year!  I am thinking somewhere we DON'T have to drive. LOL  Here are some pics of the trip.

This was our first dinner.  The kids were SO tired from the driving that we decided to just hang out until dark.  Then we went crab hunting, but I didn't get pics.  I was too busy making sure Blake didn't go into the water and try to grab a crab with his bare hand.  LOL

Our friends the Musias having fun in the water.

The whole gang at Landry's

Luke at the penguin exhibit at the Moody Garden's Aquarium. 

Blake on the beach.  This day we made him wear a life jacket because it was the day after the storm and the undertow was strong.  Better safe than sorry. :-)

Baby Luke was so tired.  He loved the ocean.  This picture was taken during his very short 20 minute nap. :-)  He didn't want to miss anything!

It was time to leave, but Blake loved the ocean so much he didn't want to leave.  LOL  He even got a tan line!  Too cute.

It was a great trip with great friends.  I wish I would have taken more pics but when you have two kiddos its harder.  Especially at the ocean. :-)

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