Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Little Cowboy

I was watching my boy today and I had tears come to my eyes. He is getting so big so fast. I know all you Moms understand what I am saying. Recently, Scott and I have been cleaning out our garage going through old clothes and deciding what to keep and such. We came to the boxes of clothes that Blake has had through the years and we would look at his little shoes or his favorite shirt and tears would come to my eyes. (I could tell Scott was a little chocked up, but would never admit it. hehehe) We forget how little he was. I was pulling out some keepsakes and found his Tigger costume from when he was 1 and Blake saw it. I showed it to him and he said he was too big to be Tigger. My little boy is growing up. I remember everyone telling me when he was a baby and I couldn't wait for him to start crawling or walking or talking or whatever milestone was next. I remember them telling me don't be in a hurry for him to grow, you will regret it one day. A lot of Moms told me this or something like this and I paid no attention. This is my message to all you Moms out there. I was wrong! My little boy is growing and I can't stop him. I have to say you ALL were right! I want him to be little. Only one more school year and he will be in Kinder. Anyways. To all of you to be Moms and Moms of little ones. Don't rush the milestones. Be patient and cherish the moments. You can't shrink them once they have grown. LOL

I took a picture of him today in his big boy cowboy boots and his cowboy hat. He looks so adorable and BIG! We went to his aunt Nini's birthday party at Babe's. He was so adorable in this. Of course we had to wear short sleeve's because it was 80 in Texas today. YIKES! I can't believe he has hit another growth spurt. I had to go out this weekend and buy another size pants. He amazes me everyday. I hope you enjoy the picture as much as I enjoyed him telling me he was Cowboy Blake. Couldn't get him to say cheese or smile. He is saying, "YEEEHAAA."

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