Saturday, September 19, 2009

I don't want to miss a thing!

It was a stressful week to say the least. I started having pains in my stomach on Monday. It just felt like a growth spurt because it was so tight. I didn't think anything of it and I figured it would go away. Tuesday it got worse. I was laying on the couch after I got home and the pain was not letting up. It literally felt like my belly button was going to pop open and expose the baby. Even Scott could feel how tight my belly was. Wednesday it was even worse and spread to my back. I decided I should probably call the doctor because I didn't think growing pains lasted this long. I was told to come right away so of course, I was freaking out. I left school almost immediately and drove to the doc. Probably not a good idea since I was hurting and crying I realize now, but who else was gonna drive me. After the miscarriage last year, I did not want to go alone so I called Scott and he met me at the doc. Everything started going through my mind. What if's are not always healthy ones I must say. Scott was able to calm my fears and tears by the time I saw the doctor. We saw the doc right away and he said that my options were bed rest or meds. I don't really want to start medication to stop preterm labor if I don't have to right now so I just kept looking at Scott. My doc is so good and saw my hesitation that he gave me another option. One I can actually live with for now I think. He said to try the bed rest until Monday. If the pain goes away, I can try to go back to work on Monday. If the pain doesn't go away, then we will talk on Monday. I figured I could live with bed rest until Monday because after all I am Positive Patty so I think everything will work out by Monday. I am convinced that I will be able to go back to work on Monday pain free. Now if I can just convince my body of that everything will be great. I spoke to the doc yesterday and told him I was feeling better so I am allowed to try on Monday. If the pain comes back though, I have to be on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy. That is a LONG 10 weeks! But I will do whatever it takes to make sure this baby makes a healthy and safe entrance into this world of course.

I think the hardest part of that option is that I am going to miss out on Blake. I really was upset because I have NEVER missed anything of Blake's. I have been to every game, practice, swim lesson, karate class, etc... I have always been there even when I am sick or whatever. I have never missed anything. This weekend of course was to be his first blastball game. I am the assistant coach of his blastball team again this season. (Yeah. I know. Looks kinda dumb now huh, but when I signed up I was ok.) I was going to miss out on that. Thank you rain for raining that game out! LOL Every year we take him to the balloon festival and he was so excited to go this year. He had been talking about it all week. He was telling his teachers and friends at school. I was super pumped to go with him because he is such a joy to watch and I like the balloons too. I had to miss it last night and stay in bed. :-( He got to have a Daddy and son outing though so I am looking at the bright side of course. I am going to have to miss his swim lessons tomorrow morning so I am bummed about that. I know I have seen probably 30 of them, but it doesn't matter. I want to be there for ALL of them! I am his mother. Blake was super cute when we tried to explain to him that Mommy had to stay in bed and couldn't go to the balloon festival. I told him the doctor said Mommy had to stay in bed. He was gonna make a compromise. He said, "Well. Then Daddy can stay in bed and Mommy can take me to the balloon festival." That was so sweet! I am not usually the favorite, but it meant a lot to me that he actually misses me not going. :0) Anyways. They had a great time. I will get to see it next year I keep telling myself. I am also missing my MIL's birthday party in VA today. I was looking forward to that this weekend too. But I am stuck in bed. ;-( At least, I have had some wonderful friends visit and call. I had a friend deliver food, books, and movies yesterday. The fifth grade team made homemade meals for me. Isn't that so thoughtful?!?! Today, another friend came by and brought me lunch and they each kept me company which was great. I have a few more friends who plan on coming by this afternoon. I should probably catch a nap now then huh? LOL

I just don't want to miss anything else so please God, let me be able to go back to work and life on Monday so I don't miss a thing!

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