Monday, August 10, 2009

All good things come to an end...

I am so bummed to see this summer come to an end. There have been many exciting things happening and I have gotten used to being able to rest. Blake has been growing in front of my eyes. He actually came up to me this morning and spelled balloon and told me that we need to take a hot air balloon ride with Mommy, Daddy, Trixie, and him! I couldn't believe it. He can also spell jeep, cat, pig, pie, corn, cake, radio, and some other ones that escape me. He is so super smart. He starts preschool on Wednesday and we went to meet his teacher today. Mrs. Berry is her name and it took me a long time to convince him that it was Berry not Mary. LOL He loved going there today and didn't want to leave with me. That's a good sign I guess. He started karate a few weeks ago and he loves it! I think we will start the new baby on it as soon as he is old enough. It has taught him so much in such a short amount of time. We love watching him each time. We are about to get very busy because of all of Blake's activities. We have Karate on Monday and Wednesday nights, then blastball starts on Saturday's again in September, and swim lessons start again on Sundays at the end of August. He begged to do all of these things and we want to encourage him to try everything while he is interest but I may be living in my car soon! LOL I have a very sweet story to tell that happened this week too. Blake wanted to do potatoe heads so we were building them. He sometimes likes to build the family so we were building Mommy, Daddy, and Blake like usual. Then he realized he forgot a member. He wanted to add his baby brother too. So sweet! It melted my heart. He calls him Luke but we haven't decided on the name. Blake likes that name though and won't hear of any others. Scott and I are tossing around a few but no names have stuck yet. We will see but he may have the nickname of Luke from his big brother. hehehe We went to the circus yesterday and we had a blast! Blake loves the elephants! He was actually trying to talk me into letting him have a pet elephant at home. All I could think of is how much they must poop! I don't know how I convinced him but he finally gave up. Thank goodness! I don't know what I said but I should prolly try to remember so I can put it in my mental file for later. I am sure the subject will come up again because my child is nothing if not persistant. heheh I hope to take some pics Wednesday morning of his first day of Pre K and I will try to post them soon after. :-) Here is a couple of my kiddo at the circus. He kept telling Scott and I that this was the best day of his life. He also said we were the best too! So sweet that little boy of mine. Oh and a pic of him in his adorable karate uniform! He has already earned several stripes for his outstanding performance during class.

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