Thursday, August 13, 2009

Finally some good news!

Blake had his annual VCUG on the 6th. This was the first year that Scott couldn't go with me so I was very nervous. Since I am pregnant, I was not allowed to be in the room with him during the test so my Dad was nice enough to go with. I think Blake really loved have Papa there because he has such a calming effect on all of us. (When I start to freak out about something, I just call Dad and he sets me straight. :-)) The results were not what I had hoped when I spoke to the doctor on site at the hospital. She said that one of Blake's kidneys had not grown in the year and that his reflux had gone from a 1 to a 3 on the left side. The right side stayed a 3. I was very upset. I had thought since last year he got better that we would be able to continue that pattern and he would be growing out of it. I started hearing the alarming words the doctor had used about everything and might as well not even tried to sleep the next four days because it did no good! Well come to find out, all that on site doc did was make me have a few sleepless nights for nothing! On Tuesday, we had our visit to Blake's kidney doctor and I was set completely at ease. Blake's doc has been his doc since he was an infant and he is very well known and seasoned in this field. He came highly recommended by many doctors not just our pediatrician when this whole process started. He looked over the scans from the VCUG and told me that I had no reason to worry. Blake was doing great and his kidney was not small for his age. It was just the right size and there was no reason to be alarmed! He also told me that since Blake was not done potty training at the test last year, that he had expected the grade of reflux to increase because he is holding it longer now. Completely normal! He also told me that Blake has a great chance of growing out of it since he has had no infections at all. He took Blake of his medication and said that we will watch him from now on. We don't even have to repeat that stupid test anymore. (We have to put him under every year for that. Not fun.) He said as long as Blake doesn't start having infections that he won't even consider surgery. (I am so relieved. I had the surgery and it was very painful. I was 18 even not 4.) He also gave me more good news. I had a doctor tell me that the second child has a 95% chance of getting the condition since I had it and Blake had it. The doc said it is more like 60% and boys are much more likely to grow out of it. I know 60% isn't that good but its not that bad either. Much better the 95%! I am officially counting my blessings. I went into that office on Tuesday expecting to be scheduling surgery and I walked out being able to tell Blake he didn't have to take the yucky medicine anymore. YEAH!!!! Now let's just keep our fingers crossed that he stays healthy and has no infections. I have faith though. :-)

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