Thursday, August 13, 2009

Blake's first day of Pre-K

This Wednesday was Blake's first day of Pre-K. Blake picked a Transformers backpack and lunchbox for the occasion. He was so excited that I don't think he slept much on Tuesday night. We got up in the morning and Mommy and Daddy got him ready and took him in. Blake's teacher's name is Mrs. Berry and she couldn't be nicer. She was welcoming to Scott and I and very nice. Blake walked in and immediately felt at home. Scott and I watched him for a few minutes and spoke to Mrs. Berry. She told me to call her and she would call me and not to worry about a thing. She really was welcoming and inviting and it was very appreciated. I kept my tears in check the whole day on Wednesday. I felt at ease somehow. I even peaked in on him later that day. :-) He didn't seem to miss a beat. He was ready for school and his excitement was contagious.

I had my first experience of packing a lunch that I won't soon forget. I wanted to make sure everything that we needed to take his first day was all together so we wouldn't leave anything behind that morning. Blake and I put his name on everything and packed his lunch. I put his lunch inside his backpack and placed it by the backdoor so we wouldn't forget it the next morning. Then I went back to the paperwork to see where I needed to leave his lunch the next morning to be refrigerated at school. Here is the mishap... I made sure I knew where to leave the lunch in the morning to be refrigerated, but I actually didn't put it in there all night! I got it out of his backpack and school and realized my mistake. Scott giggled at me. I couldn't believe that I had actually looked up in the paperwork to find where to put it to keep it cold as school but I didn't do it myself that night. Must be pregnancy brain. hehehe I was able to take the lunch home to remake and Blake was still happy as a clam. Scott found the whole experience very funny.

Back to Blake's first day. He had so much fun! He got to play on the computer, read books, had circle time, and they went outside. Mrs. Berry said he loves to learn and tried to soak up everything they talked about. I saw evidence of this because he told me all about all of it when I picked him up. She said he wasn't sad until it was nap time. I believe its because he didn't want to stop playing. hehehe It might be the new place too. They went outside on the playground and Mrs. Berry was playing with Blake. She was trying to get him to chase her and he told her, "Mrs. Berry, its just too hot to do that. Maybe tomorrow." LOL I wonder where he heard that. hehehe Mrs. Berry said he made her laugh all day long and he was so sweet. He had a great day and couldn't wait to go back on Thursday. I picked him up early on Wednesday during nap time. It told him we needed to grab his backpack and he said, "Mommy, we can't forget my transformers lunchbox too." That choked me up a little. His is just so big! When did my son start worrying about his lunchbox! I knew the day would come, but he is till and always will be my baby. Scott took him Thursday morning because we are practicing for the real thing next week. He came home talking about all the things he did. I got a little bit more sad today so I broke down and called Mrs. Berry to check on him today. She told me all about what he had done and said that he was having a great time. They were eating lunch when she called me back and we got to have a great talk. She is so nice to talk to and I think she truly enjoys her job. She has the love of teaching that I wish all teachers had. She has put me at ease every time I spoke to her and I feel like we have a great communication going. She said that he listens to her directions and does everything the first time she asks. She said she wasn't used to this. I was shocked that she was talking about Blake of course because he doesn't do that for us. LOL I guess no kid does that for his parents though. :-) I think he is enjoying school. I am glad that Mrs. Berry has already noticed his love of learning. He wants to know about everything. I think he fits very well into her class. He told Mrs. Berry that he was going to get a pet frog and name him Max. He has been asking us for a few days and I am trying to talk Scott into it.... We will see.... :-0

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